Friday, October 19, 2007


Today is Ethnic Day at my company.

I wake up late, and I feel as ethnic as a salwar kameez.

I look through my clothes and don't find any that fits right (Note to self: I NEED new clothes!!). So I tackle my jeans and after dressing for some 10 minutes, I wait for my cab.

After all, nobody would really take Ethnic Day seriously...


The next 3 ladies that get into the cab look radiantly beautiful in their gorgeous saris.

I feel absolutely under dressed and I sort of sink in my seat to hide my horrifyingly western Jeans.

But yay, another lady gets in wearing *oh yes* a salwar, and better yet, she sits next to me. So we're in business, me thinking we can form a Non-Sari club. :D

We hit it off instantly and she's a great person to talk to.

So YES! I made another friend!!

I could almost find myself being my normal bubbly self with her... Anyway, me happy for now. :D

1 comment:

Dawn said...

Thats the way to make friends.. Find something small to bond with and BOOM insta conversation! Now I need to work on that...