Wednesday, January 16, 2008


I believe in angels.

Whenever I'm really upset and I feel that I can't bear my sadness, I think God reaches out and comforts me through human contact. He sends His angels via people. It's happened so many times. People unwittingly come up and say the right words. I get instant comfort and reassurance. :)

Sometimes, all you need are those special words to make things right again.

It may seem bizarre to you, but I have experienced it many times. I choose to believe that, yes, God works in mysterious ways and sometimes He sends you a pick-me-up-er in the most unusual fashions.



Unknown said...

hey dunno why this interface popped in korean.. but i shudnt complain shud get used to by this time!!!

very interesting and entertaining blogs.. being a foodie i know exactly what u mean.. do keep writing!!!

Naomi said...

He will never leave you alone dear...bless you!!