Thursday, January 31, 2008


Make A Difference (MAD) - an acronym that I got from Lucky.

I started writing this post after I saw a pic that my friend had put up in one of his Orkut albums. The photo taken was of the house Anne Frank had stayed at before she was taken away by the Nazis.

Anne Frank was only around 13 years old when she started writing her book. But this teens' diary (a diary!) brought tears, laughter and it motivated so many people around the world to learn about other Holocaust victims like her and help their families too. And that's to say in the least. Films were made and books were written based on her thoughts and insights of the world that lay outside her window.

I've read an abridged version of her book. And do correct me if I'm wrong but what touched me was that she was eternally optimistic. Even while she was scared of being caught, she looked for the goodness in everyone, including those who were trying to capture people (Jews) like her. Maybe that's what young 13 year olds are... Naive, as they say.

But to make it short, she made a difference.

Hmm.. I'm 23 and maybe I should know better. Maybe I'm naive. But I believe that goodness lies in everyone. That everyone deserves it too. A small act of kindness can snowball into an avalanche... And even if it doesn't, every small thing that we do can make a small difference in someone else' life.

1 comment:

Dawn said...

I read the full version of her book many years ago and it will always remain one of my favorites. Experiencing what she went through, in life whether love with Peter, hate with the trapped or overcoming fear as they hear people being attacked. Her diary was nearly poetic while only being 13. Plus, think of the woman who housed Anne and her family in her attic. That's bravery.